Saturday, August 31, 2013

3% Increment for promotion between posts carrying same grade pay especially Rs.4200 - What was MACP benefit?

What is the benefit given to persons (On MACP) who were in Rs.4200 grade pay (feeder cadre & promotion cadre in same grade pay), prior to issue of order of 3% increment on 7th January, 2013.  

As it is now emphasized that MACP benefit should not be higher than promotion benefit, (which  was NIL on promotion till issue order dated: 7th Jan 2013) was the benefit on MACP also NIL if any one was eligible for MACP (if it precedes his promotion).      It means that people who were in 4200 grade pay were given Rs.NIl as benefit on MACP (if it precedes promotion) and treated as if one  MACP has been given.     Is this logical and reasonable?  

MACP is not related to promotional grade pay but it envisages placement in the next immediate higher grade pay as RP rules, 2008.

Similar situation and grant of one increment is already in place in Auditors (AT SENIOR LEVEL) case where two posts - feeder and Promotional post remain in two different pay bands like PB2 Rs,9300 with Rs.5400 Grade pay & PB3 Rs.15600 with Rs.5400 Gpay.    In this case, MACP also takes both pay bands as different.    In this case, both MACP and Promotion benefit remain equal.    Here, atleast the fixation will be at minimum of Rs.15600/- if the person promoted has basic pay lesser than Rs.15600/-.   This is atleast different from Rs.4200 Gpay case.
If any one had become eligible for MACP prior to promotion (working in the feeder cadre post carrying Gpay of Rs.4200 which has promotion post carrying same grade pay of Rs.4200, what was benefit given during the period from from 1.1.2006 to 6.1.2013 (prior to order dated 7th Jan 2013)?    If it is NIL, then is it not illogical and denial of benefit due? (as benefit on promotion was NIL as both posts carried same Gpay of Rs.4200).    This appears to be not logical and is unreasonable.

Legal route appears to be the only solution to all these disparities/discrepancies.